Taylor looking beautiful and Kendy, not so sure of Santa yet!

When Kendy smiles she crinkles her nose and closes her eyes and gives a sweet little noise like haa.

We had such a fun Christmas with Taylor and Kendy this year. Taylor loved opening her presents and Kendy's too. Kendy loved any box, paper, or bow that was on the floor. She has since grown to love her new toys and books. Taylor was very excited and happy with her presents too. She hasn't stopped singing with her new microphone or checking out each book and she couldn't' wait to wear her new outfit from Lindsey & Joe.
We shared Christmas eve at home doing last minute wrapping (Kip & Tay) and enjoyed a nice meal as a family. Taylor opened her one gift...guess what, new jammies! She loved them and was pretty excited to wear them to bed. We put out the plate of cookies with a glass of milk and carrots too. Christmas day lunch was spent over at a friend's house, and unfortunately Kip stayed home with Kendy who was doing a lot of crying after her too short nap. I know she was missing me but she needed to finish her nap so Kip took her for a car ride to do the trick.
Christmas morning Taylor crept up to me in bed and said, "Mommy, I peeked and you should see what Santa brought me!" I love the excitement and joy she shares with me over just about anything, but especially Santa. She is an open and honest little girl full of life and love. I videotaped her coming down the stairs and then we opened our stockings. We always have cinnamon rolls to start and then once gifts are opened we have a big breakfast. I miss being with all my family and wish we could celebrate together every year. Keeping traditions alive from my family and Kip's is how we plan to give Taylor and Kendy their own family traditions to hopefully carry on with their kids. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas Chaos by the fire!
Taylor and Sydney posing for pictures!