Actually, we didn't go camping, but friends of ours did so we crashed their campsite at Cherry Creek Reservoir. We made s'mores and ate sticky yummy marshmallows! Taylor and her friend Isabella along with the other kids were having a blast. I think I have convinced Kip to go camping there if not this summer, then next year. Of course, camping used to be the Hilton without a hair dryer, but I could do this! The park is about 2 miles from our home and yet it felt like we were miles away. Thank you Natalie and Don for the invite to stop in for a s'more and fun! Natalie took some family photos of us while we were visiting them. She does good work!
A great memory I have of growing up (still thankful I have memories!) is of the family camping trips we used to take. My mom was the camper-extraordinaire! She taught us how to prepare food in foil long before the Reynolds Wrap Gals! We learned how to tie knots and hang our booty up high on dowels. You name it, my mom knew it. Of course, dad was the fisherman and taught us how to fish and we also went water skiing. I think I can still do it, but then reality hits and my shoulders hurt just thinking about being yanked out of the water...maybe it's my boose that is weighing me down. Anyway, I also remember hanging out at the lake and pool in Sandpoint, ID.where my grandma Pearl lived, my mom's mother. She was awesome. Most of our family camping trips took place when we lived in So. Cal. Because we were Camp Fire Girls, we also got to attend Camp Nawakwa for 1-2 weeks every summer. Man those were the days. We had so much fun doing everything you would expect to do and learn at camp. I really hope Taylor gets these opportunities and enjoys them as much as I did. I know Kip grew up taking camping trips with his mom & dad too. We laugh reminiscing about the good old days. Actually we laugh about having good ole days! I have to have an air mattress now!
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