Tonight we all sat on the couch with our hot cocoa and watched The Polar Express. Taylor loves this movie and we have started a tradition of watching it just before Christmas. We have one of the reindeer's bells too.
Tonight Taylor asked "Mommy, how does Santa know which stocking is mine, yours, and daddy's. What if he puts kitty stuff in my stocking?" "How does Santa know that I have been good after I apologized for doing something bad?".
My favorite, "Mommy you have been a little naughty, but you are just this far from the good list (pinching her thumb and finger together)". Whew! I am glad I am going to make the good list.
Taylor has asked Santa for the new Barbie Diary movie....I better see if he has that available! She has also asked for a pink guitar and a pink razor scooter. Theme...PINK. We got Taylor a beautiful pink pearl set. I made the earrings and bracelet from an extra necklace. It is beautiful and just right for a little girl.
We are spending Christmas eve dinner at the Greslins~Patty, Ron and Michelle,and Ron's sisters and Christmas day lunch with the Caro family~Pam, Tony, Sydney and Miah~and friends. We are looking forward to a nice time with both parties and a little R&R at home together. I always get a little home sick for my family so getting the chance to be around other families together helps. I act like their mom is my mom. It is snowing outside right now and we expect a white Christmas! Just what Kip has asked for this year! I want news from China that we are matched with Kendy. A girl can dream. another tradition with Taylor is creating our gingerbread house. Yummy. Next year maybe I will try and bake one....or not, I just bought one at 75% off. Merry christmas!
Taylor 6 years old

Taylor 3 Years old