6 Years!

6 years ago we gathered with 12 other families on a Sunday morning in the Miracle Hotel conference room in Guiyang, China. We waited and watched as 12 families before us met their new little daughters and left for their hotel rooms. Last but not least in walked the representatives from Luodian Social Welfare Institute from Luodian carrying Ella and then Taylor. I knew it was Taylor from her tiny little body, round head, pouty lips, rosy cheeks, soulful eyes, and beautiful face. She had been in my heart for so long that it seemed perfectly normal to take this baby in my arms and call her mine. I went right up to the nanny holding her and reached out for her and took her in my arms.
Taylor you are my blessing everyday and I am so thankful you are my daughter.
Wo ai ni baby, Mommy
上帝保佑你的家人 = God bless your Family!