We all share the same moon no matter where we are in the world!

Sep 30, 2010

Our Little Ladybug

We got the call at 11am this morning from CCAI and we conferenced in Kip!! YAY!!

~ Kendal May XinFan ~
named after Kip's mom Greta May
Chinese name: Lian Xin Fan Xin means new; Fan means Sail
Birth date: July 28, 2009 (14 months 2 days)
Birth place: Guandong Province (we will stay in Guangzhou where US Consulate is in China)
Orphanage: Lian Jiang SWI
Match day: Sept 30, 2010
Gotcha day: ???
Travel dates: 5-8 weeks or so
LID: May 16, 2006
Big sister: Jie Jie Taytay
Features: 1 tooth 20.9 Lbs 29" Tall as of Aug26, 2010
Andrea from CCAI said she looks so sweet and healthy with really big cheeks and some fuzzy hair! We were able to conference in Kip and email him a picture. I am going to the agency now to see two more pictures and say yes for our family!

We hope to travel in 6-8 weeks and stay for two weeks in China before bringing Kendy home by year-end. The next step is to schedule an appointment with the US Consult in Guangzhou, China where we will be issued a Visa to bring Kendy into the USA.

Taylor is so excited to finally get her little sister, her mei mei (may may). The paperwork process actually began in January of 2006 and China received and logged us in on May 16, 2006. The wait has been at times unbearable, but also we were given time to be with Taylor and that is a treasure we will always cherish.

Terry, Kip & Taylor


  1. Yeah for another Guangdong girl... I am so happy for you... a huge congrats...

  2. Congratulations! I also have a little girl adopted from LianJiang SWI in 2007, she is now 4. There is a whole group of us! Welcome aboard, check out the yahoo group.

  3. She us super cute - congrats! How exciting!


  4. congrats on your referral! what a beautiful little girl! know you must be so excited after the long wait!

    our son is also from Guizhou Province (adopted October 2009- he's 3 now) and we are waiting for our LOA for his foster sister (crazy story)- who is now 4. Our oldest is 6 and is from Hubei Province!

    looking forward to following your journey to china!


  5. Congratulations!! Both your daughters are adorable!

  6. Yeah!! She is so cute! I asked at CCAI today if your match was from the same province. Bummer... we may not be traveling together after all. Best to you and yours!! Congratulations... finally!!

  7. Congratulations on your Guangdong referral. When you are ready to get her newspaper finding ad (with a photo months younger than her referral photo!) come visit us. We also have a DVD of her orphanage, etc.

    All the best for a speedy trip!


  8. Congrats on your daughter! She is beautiful. We adopted our daughter from Lianjiang SWI 9 months ago. She came to us so well taken care of. My husband was able to visit the SWI so we have lots of pictures and video. If you're interested, our Gotcha movie is here: http://vimeo.com/10596825 and it has pictures and footage of the orphanage, nannies and directors. Congrats again!

  9. Congratulations! We have a daughter from LianJiang SWI. She is now 4. (We've been home 3 years). What a joy! There were 8 girls in our group all from the same SWI. They are beautiful girls all doing wonderfully! Enjoy the coming weeks! This coming journey is amazing!


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